Over de tentoonstelling
Landart Playground
As a rule, art is displayed within the safe white walls of museums and galleries. Only visible to a small audience who are already looking for cultural activities themselves. Bergarde (exhibition space, collection and estate) breaks through this wall and literally comes out. Surrounding country estate Het Buitenland becomes the exhibition space, where art and nature come together. Playground is an ambitious outdoor project initiated by Bergarde. From 1 June to 16 November 2019, the public estate will be the backdrop for a surprising exhibition in the midst of nature. An outdoor exhibition with the overarching theme: playground. Public and freely accessible to a wide audience.
Order your Playground Magazine (in Dutch)
Rince de Jong, Marielin Simons, Marijke de Goey, Janina Schipper, Carola Hordijk, Joël Bonk & Kitty van der Veer, Cathelijn van Goor, Ai Hashimoto, Joost Hesseling, Johan Leemkuil, Ad Timmermans, Angelique van der Valk, Michael Hoedjes, Wim Schermer, Henk van Bennekom, Yvo van der Vat, Barbara Rink, Tiffany Schepers, Jo Polak, Ine van Son, Joyce Overheul, Maaike Kramer, Marjolein Witte, Leonie van den Ende, Marjan en Jan Willem van Breugel, Martijntje Cornelia, Hedy Hempe, Esther Hoogendijk, Joran van Soest, Klaas Brantjes.
Praktical issues
The route, opening hours and more. You find it here…
Playground Magazine
Don’t want to miss anything from Playground? In the special Playground Magazine you will find a clear map and information about the artworks, among other things. You also support the project in this way. The magazine is for sale in the gallery (during opening hours) or in our webshop.
Win prizes with your best photo
Send us your most beautiful Playgroudn photo and win! Zo doe je mee…
About estate Het Buitenland
Bergarde Galleries is located at Landgoed Het Buitenland. The polder was originally used for intensive agriculture, but with the help of experts, the area has developed in recent years into a green polder where nature can regain control. Various plant species, birds and insects have already returned to the polder.