Mika Rottenberg | SEVEN (Jason) | op reis naar Jupiter Artland (UK)

Jupiter Artland Mika Rottenberg 16 mei – 23 juli 2015 Goldsworthy RoomVanaf 16 mei is de videoinstallatie SEVEN (Collectie Bergarde) te zien in het Schotse Jupiter Artland. Daar zijn gedurende de zomer een aantal installaties van Mika Rottenberg te bewonderen.Mika Rottenberg (1976) werkt graag met bizarre taferelen waarin lichamelijke ‘afvalstoffen’ als zweet, bloed, haar, nagels of tranen — soms vermengd met sla of make-up — nieuwe producten voortbrengen. Ze presenteert haar films vaak in complexe gebouwde installaties, zo ook in de videoinstallatie SEVEN (Jason), die ze maakte in samenwerking met Jon Kessler.—- Jupiter Artland is a unique, award-winning sculpture collection 12 miles outside Edinburgh, housing the private art collection of Robert and Nicky Wilson across 100 acres of woodland and meadows. Jupiter Artland is a registered charity, committed to nurturing the work of outstanding contemporary artists and continuing to commission new site specific works. Jupiter Artland opened to the public in May 2009 and in the same year received the prestigious Glenfiddich ‘Spirit of Scotland’ Art Award. Since 2009, Jupiter has commissioned over 30 site-specific permanent works by top-class international artists, including major pieces by leading contemporary sculptors including Nathan Coley, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Laura Ford, Anya Gallaccio, Andy Goldsworthy, Antony Gormley, Charles Jencks, Anish Kapoor, Jim Lambie, Cornelia Parker and Marc Quinn. Each artwork’s specific site has been personally selected by the artist. The works are set within the gardens of Bonnington House, a 17th century Jacobean hunting lodge, and visitors are encouraged to walk freely through the gardens to discover the artworks at their own pace.